This early morning about 7:15a.m. , my mom woke me up . Then I asked ,"Why so early ?" and she replied ,"I scared you will not wake up when I call you at 8 o'clock ."Haiz ! After my mom went to market , I jumped from the bed and went to bathe . (ok ok ok ! I know this is out of the topic) After bathing , Navin called me 3 times and I picked up and said ,"Wake already lo ..." . Then , I called Daniel Pravin to make sure that he was ready . When I called him , his mom picked up the telephone and said ,"Daniel is still sleeping . Do you want me to wake him up ?" and I replied ,"Yes , of course . He must reached my house at 9:30a.m. ." At 9:30a.m. , Daniel reached there and fetched him to Angeline's house .
In Angeline's house , I saw Mona Lisa frame , Egyptian things and other weird stuffs . But 1 thing , her house was very very very big ! Then , we watch 'Meet Dave' . Only about 10 people watched and other I think they were still snoring on their beds . 'Meet Dave' was so funny . The funniest part was when the old lady smiled and then he smiled horribly and erm ... when he was shitting out all the hot dogs and the guy next to him and said ,"Show off !" LOL ! I like one of Angeline's dogs . It is so cute ... Daniel and Pui Yee wanted my dog and snatched away from me , then i snatched it again , then haiz ... at last they got it ... Then slowly slowly , my friends came . Travis wandered off at the neighbourhood . LOL !
We were split into 3 groups . The people in my team was Travis , Claire , Amanda Lim , Shiao Ven and me . That was for 'Amazing Race 1' . We found most of the clues but we got 2nd . So sad too bad that I can't get any prizes . After this race was tea break . Angeline gave us KFC . I ate 3 drumsticks while staring at Travis eating like pig . (sorry Travis if you see this post) Samantha , Daniel and Travis made phone pranks on others , like Naeem and someone else . That time , Naeem's mom picked up and scolded Travis . Then , Naeem SMS Travis that he made him dumb and bla bla bla . They were enemies ...
Then , we played 'Truth or Dare' . That Daniel spun the bottle to my side and I took a piece of paper , it said "Choose anyone to propose to her ." OMG !!! That's horrible man ! Everyone yelled at me to choose Xin Yen ... Haiz ! Then , I did exactly what the paper said so . I knelt down one of my legs and gave her a ring <-- Navin lent it to me ... And my friends took the picture of us ... Then , someone spinned the bottle to Pui Yee's side . The paper was written "Snort like a pig for 30 seconds ." . Pui Yee didn't know how to snort properly so she chose Travis . Hahaha ... Travis snort so well like a pig . LOL ! (Travis , don't ever kill me in school because of this)
Adam was holding a dog . He was talking to the freaking fat dog . LOL !
After that race , we had our lunch that was spaghetti and mushroom soup . Yummy ! Then , the birthday cake brought out and put it on the dinning-table . Daniel lit the candles and we sang 'Happy Birthday' song to Angeline . After that , we went to the park . Adam was so lucky that he brought his bicycle and he did not need to run to the park . I begged him like heck to lend me his bicycle but he refused . At 1st , I played the slide . Weee ... Then , I played the roller thingy . After that , I played the see-saw with Travis . Amanda Lim was keep laughing at us that the see-saw was not balanced because Travis was heavier then me . Besides playing that , I played that erm ... what's that call ? The roller thingy which can rolled us ... Argh !
Suddenly , everyone realized that where's Pui Yee , Navin , Eugene , Adam and a girl <-- I have forgotten who was the one who followed Pui Yee . Then I said ,"May be they were all kidnapped by someone ?" Everyone was worried and wanted to call 999 and those idiots came . We nearly called the police . Haiz ! I begged Adam to let me ride his bicycle and at last he said ," Can , but you must take turns with the others ." Yeah ! Angeline asked us to go back and Daniel and I rode the bicycle at the same time . That greedy Daniel asked me to sit behind of him . Gulp ! Scary ! I scared we would be knocked by the vehicles . While we were riding it , everyone stared at us and most of them said ,"Walaoweh !" I was so thirsty and exhausted that time and rode the bicycle quickly . I straight went to the kitchen for a cool refreshments and drank a glass of orange juice and a glass of cold water . Navin and I begged Angeline to play PS2 and she agreed . Eugene and Daniel crept to the room and take the PS2 . Navin and I said that we wanted to play 'Mortal Kombat - Shaolin Monks' . While the others went to play hide-and-seek , we played PS2 . I saw Travis coming up the stairs and he saw us playing so nice and then he wanted to play . LOL ! He lost so many times . A few moments later , Xin Yen asked us where she could hide . We asked her to hide behind us which all the pillows covered her . When the catcher came up , we pretended that we didn't know where was Xin Yen . I said ,"May be she is in the kitchen ..." The catcher came up again and asked where was Xin Yen and I said ,"She is in Angeline's toilet ." That time , the catcher found all of them and she gave up . Daniel told her that Xin Yen was behind us . LOL ! Everyone was astonished . (except for the ones who were playing PS2) Nearly 6 o'clock , Navin begged his mom to come at 7 o'clock to fetch us . We stopped the game and we went down the stairs . We saw the other friends were playing high jump and I joined them too . At last , Eugene won , Ke Hui got 2nd and I got 3rd . Then , we decided to play 'pillow fight' . I just simply beat them with the pillows .
Eugene and I planned to put our pillow in front of our chest to prevent someone to beat us . Then , we charged to the battlefield and everyone fell down . Yeah ! We have won but they attacked us again . We fell down many times and many bruises were all over my body .
After playing for half an hour , Eugene buried me with those pillows and asked me to come out is he say ,"Come out !" Before saying that , Xin Yen saw the was so many pillows there and decided to sit there . She pounced on me and my waist hurt . And then everyone laughed again ...
At 7 o'clock , Navin's mom came and fetch Daniel and I back . I said this was my 2nd time to go to my friend's party .
it was angeline dat followed us.
hahaha!!im so happy dat i wrote dat dare...
so sweet of xin yen to "fall on you".
match made come true
you knoe hu it is,
pui yee
it was angeline, me and ke hui who went along. we went into adam's house. where did you get the pics?!??!?!?!?!?!?
happy birthday boss.. b latedd
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